Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe - 1093 Words

Edgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† is about an unnamed man, whose agenda is to kill an old man because of his â€Å"vulture eye† (Poe 331). The narrator has nothing against the old man but is extremely bothered by the way his one eye looks. Throughout the story, the narrator tries to prove to the readers that he is not crazy, which leads me to believe that he subconsciously knows that he is. The narrator spends several nights watching the old man sleep. On the last night, the narrator awakens the old man while he is watching him. Instead of retreating he stays silently and unmoving in the darkness. He is aware that the old man is terrified and that he is trying to down play the noises he has heard. The narrator then convinces himself that he is hearing the beat of the old man’s heart. Out of fear that the sound of the beating heart will awake the neighbors, the narrator kills the man. The narrator then cuts the limbs off the old man, and hides th em under the floor boards. At the end of the story, the narrator could easily get away with the murder, however ends up admitting what he has done to the police. He does this only because he believes that he hears the heart of the old man beating. This convinces me that the narrator is insane, even though he tries to convince the readers otherwise. Overall I thought â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart† was a compelling and horrific story. It was one of my favorite stories by Poe so far. I found â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† to be an entertaining butShow MoreRelatedThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe1161 Words   |  5 PagesOut of a vast quantity of these English historians, one stood out to me, his name is Edgar Allan Poe. Poe’s writing had its own unique gothic and horror style. The story, The Tell-Tale Heart is one of his very popular pieces of literature, it not only tells a story, but uses Poe’s unique style of writing to silently incorporate different genres, themes, and symbolism to create a sub-story within the text itself. Poe was born in Boston Massachusetts on January 19, 1809. At the young age of just 2 yearsRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe1569 Words   |  7 PagesIn the short story â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,† author Edgar Allan Poe employs several literary devices such as symbolism, allegory, and imagery. These devices enable us to see and better comprehend the story’s events through the eyes of the narrator. The narrator explains that he is extremely nervous but clarifies that he is not insane; he even goes so far as to share an event from his past to prove that he is not crazy. He believes that he loves the old man and has nothing against him except his horribleRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe Essay1477 Words   |  6 Pagesyourself and others that you weren’t in the wrong for doing something bad? Well, the narrator in the story The Tell-Tale Heart does. Edgar Allan Poe is known to write stories that are of Dark Romanticism. Dark romanticism is a literary genre that showcases gothic stories that portray torture, insanity, murder, and revenge. The story â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† is no different. Edgar Allan Poe does a great job with making the readers wonder throughout this short story. This allegory makes reader’s questionsRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe986 Words   |  4 Pagesbade the gentlemen welcome. The shriek, I said, was my own in a dream.† The Tell Tale Heart is one of Edger Allan Poe’s most famous and creepiest stories. The premise of this gothic short story is that a man’s own insanity gives him away as a murderer. By usi ng the narrators own thoughts as the story Poe displays the mental instability and the unique way of creating a gothic fiction. While other stories written by Poe reflect this same gothic structure and questionable sanity, this story has aRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe1502 Words   |  7 PagesThe author Edgar Allan Poe created a beautiful writing piece called â€Å"Tell Tale Heart†, which included literal elements such as mood, tone, and point of view. The story included a tremulous mood for the reader to be able to feel the excitement of the story. According to the text â€Å"Tell Tale Heart†, it states â€Å"And now at the dead hour of the night, amid the dreadful silence of that old house, so strange a noise as this excited me to uncontrollable terror.† This illustrates that the details of the storyRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe1030 Words   |  5 PagesA Guilty- Mad Heart â€Å"Burduck then goes on to ponder how Poe used cultural anxieties and psychological panic to advantage.† (Grim Phantasms, G.A. Cevasco). In The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, a nameless man narrates the story of how he murdered an elderly man because of his eyes. In his short story The Tell-Tale Heart, Poe shows the themes of guilt and the descent into madness through the narrator, in this gothic horror story. Edgar Allan Poe wrote many gothic tales throughout his lifeRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe1133 Words   |  5 Pages Written in 1843, The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe incorporates nearly all of the gothic elements. While this piece of art may not contain all of the gothic elements, it is the epitome of a gothic short story. In The Tell-Tale Heart, the setting seems to be inside an old house, which strengthens the atmosphere of mystery and suspense. The madness and overall insanity of the narrator illustrates the sense of high, overwrought emotion. The presence of creaking hinges and the darkness representRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe1644 Words   |  7 Pages Edgar Allan Poe was a prominent American writer whose writing reflected his tragic life. He began to sell short stories for profit after being forced to leave United States Military Academy for lack of financial support. Over the next decade, Poe published some of his best-known works, including The Fall of the House of Usher (1839), The Raven (1845), and The Cask of Amontillado (1846). It is in these stories that Po e established his unique dark writing style that often have the recurring themeRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe879 Words   |  4 PagesIn between guilt, paranoia and obsession The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe uses several literary elements to support the themes of the story. The story is based on a gruesome murder of an old man. The author uses madness, obsession and guilt as themes to prove how the narrator is truly twisted and insane. Madness is the first theme of the story; in the beginning the narrator tries to convince the audience he is not mad (insane). â€Å"TRUE!... nervous very, very nervous I had been and am; but whyRead MoreA Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe1156 Words   |  5 Pagescontain some level of madness. For example in the short stories â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† by Charlotte Perkins Gilman â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† by Edgar Allan Poe, both of the main character in these stories believe that they are perfectly wise, but their out of control behaviors proves that they’re mentally ill or to be more specific insane. In the short story â€Å"A tell-tale heart† the unknown narrator is telling us a story about his neighbor who is an old man but his of a vulture: blue pale eye is what

Friday, December 20, 2019

China s New Policy Plan - 910 Words

The Communist party in China has, for decades insisted that peasants, even those working in cities, remain tied to their tiny plots of land to ensure political and economic stability. (Johnson,2014) However, China’s new policy is now to urbanize most of China as a way of mass modernization and they are doing so, through the creation of new cities and massive relocation. Due to the large amount of funds needed to create new cities, China’s government has created a series of development strategies that is meant to bring in people both investors and residents alike because they need the money from the investors and the land from the people. China’s urbanization policy is highlighted by their plan to move 250 million rural residents into newly constructed towns and cities over the next dozen years. (Johnson,2014) Ian Johnson said that â€Å"The ultimate goal of the government’s modernization plan is to fully integrate 70 percent of the country’s population, or roughly 900 million people, into city living by 2025.† (Johnson,2014) Johnson also said that China is so keen on urbanization because by urbanizing, they could change China’s economic structure from an export reliant country into a country based on domestic demand for product. However, in order to achieve such lofty goals, the government would require a lot of money and in order to gain a lot of money, the government started a lot of projects that author Pu Miao classify as â€Å"window dressing projects†. The projects that Pu MiaoShow MoreRelatedThe And Its Effect On Children1383 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to New York Daily News, on March 19, 2014, surveillance cameras caught the heart-stopping moment when an overly stressed Chinese student jumped to his death during class. 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The Cold War lasted 44 years and 9 differentRead MoreThe Privatization Of Coal Industry1645 Words   |  7 Pages China has been the world s leading coal producer and consumer in recent years.(2,28) China accounted for 47 percent of total global coal consumption and 20 percent of world energy-related CO2 emissions in 2012. (1,3) China held an estimated 126 billion short tons of recoverable coal reserves in 2011, the third-largest in the world behind the United States and Russia. Coal comprised 69% of China s total energy consumption in 2011. (2,28) Characterized by increasing domestic production and importRead MoreMao Zedong : China s Economic Leader1360 Words   |  6 Pagesideologies on china. When he became China’s leader in 1949 he wanted to change china entirely. More specifically, when it came to economy Mao wanted to create an equal standard of living for the chinese people and wanted to be a completely self sufficient country. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Marketing Spotlight Hsbc Swot Analysis Essay Example For Students

Marketing Spotlight Hsbc Swot Analysis Essay The Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL) and its subsidiaries are collectively known as Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces and is recognised as one of Asias largest and finest hotel company. Incorporated by the founder of the Tata Group, Mr. Jamsetji N. Tata, the company opened its first property, The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Bombay in 1903. The Taj, a symbol of Indian hospitality, completed its centenary year in 2003. Taj Hotels Resort and Palaces comprises more than 60 hotels in 45 locations across India with an additional 15 international hotels in the Malaysia, United Kingdom, United States of America, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Africa, the Middle East and Australia. Spanning the length and breadth of the country, gracing important industrial towns and cities, beaches, hill stations, historical and pilgrim centres and wildlife destinations, each Taj hotel offers the luxury of service, the apogee of Indian hospitality, vantage locations, modern amenities and business facilities. IHCL operate in the luxury, premium, mid-market and value segments of the market through the following: Taj (luxury full-service hotels, resorts and palaces) is our flagship brand for the world’s most discerning travelers seeking authentic experiences given that luxury is a way of life to which they are accustomed. Spanning world-renowned landmarks, modern business hotels, idyllic beach resorts, authentic Rajput palaces and rustic safari lodges, each Taj hotel reinterprets the tradition of hospitality in a refreshingly modern way to create unique experiences and lifelong memories. Taj also encompasses a unique set of iconic properties rooted in history and tradition that deliver truly unforgettable experiences. A collection of outstanding properties with strong heritage as hotels or palaces which offer something more than great physical product and exceptional service. This group is defined by the emotional and unique equity of its iconic properties that are authentic, non- replicable with great potential to create memories and stories. Taj Exotica is our resort and spa brand found in the most exotic and relaxing locales of the world. The properties are defined by the privacy and intimacy they provide. The hotels are clearly differentiated by their product philosophy and service design. They are centered around high end accommodation, intimacy and an environment that allows its guest unrivalled comfort and privacy. They are defined by a sensibility of intimate design and by their varied and eclectic culinary experiences, impeccable service and authentic Indian Spa sanctuaries. Taj Safaris are wildlife lodges that allow travelers to experience the unparalleled beauty of the Indian jungle amidst luxurious surroundings. They offer India’s first and only wildlife luxury lodge circuit. Taj Safaris provide guests with the ultimate, interpretive, wild life experience based on a proven sustainable ecotourism model. Upper Upscale Hotels (full-service hotels and resorts) provide a new generation of travelers a contemporary and creative hospitality experience that matches their work-hard play-hard lifestyles. Stylish interiors, innovative cuisine, hip bars, and a focus on technology set these properties apart. The Gateway Hotel (upscale/mid-market full service hotels and resorts) is a pan-India network of hotels and resorts that offers business and leisure travelers a hotel designed, keeping the modern nomad in mind. At the Gateway Hotel, we believe in keeping things simple. This is why, our hotels are divided into 7 simple zones- Stay, Hangout, Meet, Work, Workout, Unwind and Explore. As travel often means more hassle than harmony, more stress than satisfaction, modern travelers are looking for smarter choices. Driven by our passion for perfection, we welcome our customers to a refreshingly enjoyable and hassle-free experience, anytime, everywhere. Offering the highest consistency in quality, service and style we set new standards and take the unwanted surprises out of traveling. Our warm welcomes make our guests feel at home, away from home and our crisp and courteous service empowers them to get more done with greater effectiveness and control. And through our unrivalled network we provide service that is effortless, simple, never overwhelming, always warm. Ginger (economy hotels) is IHCL’s revolutionary concept in hospitality for the value segment. Intelligently designed facilities, consistency and affordability are hallmarks of this brand targeted at travelers who value simplicity and self-service. Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces is committed to replicate its domestic success onto international shores with plans to build an international network of luxury hotels, which will provide an exemplary product-service combination and in the process create a global brand. The current international portfolio includes luxury resorts in the Indian Ocean, business and resort destinations in the Middle East and Africa, serviced apartments in the UK, the first hotel in Australia and three a top-end luxury hotels in the US. Throughout the Company’s expansion, its mandate has been twofold: to infuse a sense of Indian heritage and culture within each diverse property, while also anticipating the needs and desires of the sophisticated traveller. Over the years, the Taj has won international acclaim for its quality hotels and its excellence in business facilities, services, cuisine and interiors. The Taj strengthened its presence in the Indian Ocean rim with the Exotica Brand. The Taj Exotica was evolved as part of Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces intent to position it as a brand that is clearly differentiated by its product philosophy and service design. The Taj Exotica Resort and Spa, in Maldives is centered on high-end accommodation, intimacy and an environment that allows its guest’s unrivalled comfort and privacy. Taj Hotels further expanded its global footprint by securing management contracts at Palm Island, Jumeirah in Dubai, Saraya Islands in Ras Al Khaimah, Aldar Group in Abu Dhabi, UAE Langkawi in Malaysia and Thimpu in Bhutan. The most significant additions to the portfolio have been The Pierre, the iconic landmark hotel on New Yorks Fifth Avenue, Taj Boston and Blue, Sydney. The presence of Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces internationally has been developed through a network of Taj regional sales and PR offices in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Dubai, Singapore, Australia, Japan, Russia and the United States of America. At the Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces luxurious living and fine dining find common ground. Whether it is introducing exotic world cuisines to India or taking authentic Indian fare to the world, the Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces is renowned for the eclectic culinary experiences it brings to its guests. Through a vast repertoire of award-winning restaurants, legendary recipes from royal kitchens and celebrated food festivals, the Taj has pioneered innovation in fine dining across the world. Taj Hotels also promise a whole new experience of tranquillity and total ‘wellness’, through Jiva Spas a unique concept, which brings together the wisdom and heritage of the Asian and Indian Philosophy of Wellness and Well-being. Rooted in ancient Indian healing knowledge, Jiva Spas derive inspiration and spirit from the holistic concept of living. There is a rich basket of fresh and unique experiences under the Jiva Spa umbrella of offering, Yoga and Meditation, mastered and disseminated by accomplished practitioners, authentic Ayurveda, and unique Taj signature treatments. Royal traditions of wellness in service experiences, holistic treatments involving body therapies, enlivening and meaningful rituals and ceremonies and unique natural products blended by hand, come together to offer a truly calming experience. Preparation of 1-Bromobutane from 1-Butanol by Sn2 Reaction EssayPioneers In the early seventies came the Lake Palace in Jaipur. The company pioneered the concept of conversion of century-old palaces into hotels. Today this has become an USP of the Taj group. In the mid 1970’s the chain expanded to Chennai (Taj Coromandel and the Fisherman’s Cove) and Fort Aguada at Goa. Here too, Taj scored over the others with it’s timing. At that time, Goa was not as much of a tourist’s paradise that I it became later on. Around the same time it set up the Taj Ganges in Benares and started international flight kitchens too. More hotels In the 1980’s, two more hotels were built in Delhi, two in Bangalore, and one each in Chennai, Ooty and Agra. Next came the Jaimahal Palace Hotel in Jaipur as well as the New Delhi Flight Kitchen. The new hotels were build taking the original Taj as the model hotel. The end of the decade saw the coming up of the Taj at Delhi. The last marked the start of an ethnic style in hotels with international standards. By this time, it appeared that nothing could held the phenomenal growth of the Taj. Turbulent times However, cracks had become evident as the recession loomed large over the Indian economy. Excess capacity made some of the ventures unprofitable, specially overseas ones. Lack of transparency The new management also realised, to its dismay that there was a clear lack of transparency. The organisational structure had become almost feudal with 49 general managers reporting directly to the chief executive, without any interaction amongst themselves. The Taj had to change the way it viewed the world – if it wanted to remain a market leader. Research As far back as the early nineties, it was realised that formal market research was a must to help understand the consumer better. It did not think that data from research agencies such as the airline and the travel industry were enough. The Group carried out extensive research to understand current lifestyles. The research attempted to discover whether the future customer would be more egalitarian, more democratic or would she want to be pampered? The findings revealed that she would like exclusivity more than anything else. On the other, research also indicated that the company’s existing customers base of traditionalists – those who liked the Taj because it was understated yet classy – was shrinking. Something had to done to keep up the growth graph. Positioning The Taj marked out three separate entities for the Taj Group: Business, Leisure and Luxury. Though the concept of these sub-brands had come into existence earlier, in the mid nineties, it was in 1999-2000, that the hotels became operationally different. Which meant that though the heads of these three divisions sat at head office, their ‘territory’ is scattered geographically, according to which type of hotel they look after. Strategy A higher emphasis was placed on the business segment as the profits are higher (this market being less price-sensitive) as compared to the luxury segment). There was a proliferation of the Taj Presidency hotels not only in new cities, but also smaller towns. The group also kept looking at new opportunities. ‘The action plan is more opportunities, adding to and complementing the brand,’ says Krishnakumar. More changes There were other changes. Consolidation. Unprofitable ventures were hived of. The sales and marketing functions were separated. The HRD department modernized, with an emphasis on performance and career and succession planning. The organisation was made to flatter and more compact. Moreover, a continual benchmarking against international standards was made part and parcel of the culture of the Taj. Major renovation By the mid 1990’s, renovation was in full swing. Units across the country were refurbished. It meant ripping out entire floors. Rooms were revamped, business centres rebuilt. More than a hundred million dollars were reportedly spend for renovation – just in the lifestyle (luxury segment)! Since the business segment was slated to be become big (and those using it were likely to be non-traditionalists), the Taj went ostentatious with it’s new business floors. It meant putting in optic fiber cabling, remote control systems and giving the business guy a lounge where he could relax and even have breakfast. It included a min-business centre. In the process, some mistakes did happen. For instance it was thought a mini-gym on the floor would be a convenience. But this had to be dropped after a few years due to disuse. Initially, fax machines ere installed in the room. They had to go with the advent of the internet and laptops. Other innovations have happened too. It was found that telephone usage was dropping because of the advent of mobile phones. Not only were mobiles provided on hire, the Taj also dropped communication charges by 33 per cent. Advertising It was only when the product was ready, was a major advertising campaign developed. Earlier, advertising had been restricted to the major feeder markets: the US, UK, Germany, Singapore and Hong Kong. And the advertising emphasised the hardware aspect of the hotel. The new campaign developed a specific brand identity for the hotel. Though the Taj had high unaided recall, it launched a corporate campaign to reinforce this new identity. The ad (made by Rediffusion) shows the enigmatic woman who stands for both hospitality and efficiency. The identity was developed after extensive research on the consumer’s attitudes towards the Taj. Over 60 in-depth interviews were conducted by client and agency. The parameters? Not quantity, but quality. The things done right. The quality of check-in, the smile, the greeting or the welcome drink. The insights gathered were analysed and a clear slot, which the Taj could occupy when global competition arrived, emerged. This was translated into creating a distinct personality of the Taj as caring, efficient and enigmatic. The line went: ‘She is the Taj,’ The base line was ‘Nobody cares as much. ’ Success Other hotels’ room occupancies plunged to as low as 37 % during the recession and average room occupany rates across all hotels were approximately 50 per cent. The Taj maintained a far higher average and continued to grow and expand. Slowly the hotel became more profitable than it had ever been. The reason is clear. It never slept. (This article was published in the Advertising and Marketing (AM) Magazine under the title: The Crown’s Subjects. The photograph is taken by me and copyrighted)