Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Repair you credit yourself Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Repair you credit yourself - Article Example For repairing credit, it is important that one has credit cards which shall take care of the same. Also this will ensure that the credit rating is repaired for the long term and the credit becomes repaired itself as and when there is a problem with the credit worthiness issues (Kempson, 2005). The aspect of credit repair is all the more important because it touches upon significant areas of credit worthiness which are discussed at length by the people who write credit repair reviews in newspapers and magazines (Devaney, 2001). I believe my credit repair needs to be done in such a way that there is success only and nothing else because credit worthiness means a great deal to me. Works Cited Calder, Lendol. Financing the American Dream: A Cultural History of Consumer Credit. Princeton University Press, 1999 Devaney, Sharon A. The Effects of Credit Attitude and Socioeconomic Factors on Credit Card and Installment Debt. Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 35, 2001 Kempson, Elaine. Affordab le Credit: The Way Forward. Policy Press, 2005 Staten, Michael E. The Impact of Credit Counseling on Subsequent Borrower Behavior. Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 41, 2007

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Sound levels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sound levels - Essay Example There is no doubt that the amount of noise generated in the NICU can be significant. A study at the University of Padova established noise levels within and outside the incubator. It divided those noises into significant ‘white’ noise, and specific noises, which can be used by voluntary and involuntary noises generated when workers touched the plexiglass surface of the incubator, or connected or disconnected to the incubator. It appears that the background noise was less harmful than the sudden and unexpected noises, which tended to generate levels above 80 dB (Benini, 1997). A literature review discovered a good deal of evidence of neonatal stress from noise, with the most common measures being cardiovascular and respiratory response. The authors list the key stimuli, including sound intensity, and the effect that they have on the infant’s behavioral state. Some articles have differentiated the neonates by gestational age and infant maturity. As one of the co-authors found, however, the sample sizes were small, and the variables were not well controlled in most studies (Morris, 2000) Noise has been measured and reported upon in the NICU since the 1970’s. At that time, noise levels were reported in the 70-117 dB range, which is clearly above currently-acceptable levels (Peltzman, 1970) (Long, 1980) (Satish M. a.-S., 1993) (Satish M. S., 1991) . These studies suggested that continuous and elevated noise levels resulted in significant deterioration in healing and levels of nervousness in neonates. Early work on the effects of noise in the NICU concentrated on noise within the incubator itself; these led to improvements in incubator noise reduction, and resulted in a general emphasis on NICU noise reduction (Bess, 1979). It is always difficult to find accurate, reproducible responses of newborns to stimuli. One effect which can be reproduced is that of reduced noise on sleeping times for infants. Strauch et al led a study which